Without a doubt, you've made a smart and strategic decision for you and your business.


Complimentary Vacation License Payment Page

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: Your name must match our records for the name and business we have for you. So, if Attention Express/The BBS Group did not send you the link to this page, please do NOT place an order. If you do so, your payment will be refunded, and you will NOT be granted a license or it will be revoked.


License Payment & Information

What You Are Investing in: With your license, you will get ONE year (365 days) of access to give away UNLIMITED, 3-5 nights, 4+ star rated by TripAdvisor, domestic and international vacations. You can give them to family, friends, employees, prospects, and customers, clients, or patients.


License Renewal: During the last 30 days before the one-year anniversary of your license, we will contact you and give you the option to renew your license at a substantial discount. This will keep you from paying the higher amount we will be asking for at that time -- which we currently anticipate being $3,995 annually.


No-Risk, No-Hassle, 100% Money-Back Guarantee: Due to the potential abuse of this product when having it for only a short period of time, we give you FOURTEEN (14) days from the date you receive your account where you are given access to the product, to learn about the product, and to use the product. And during that 14-day window, if you have NOT given out more than TEN (10) complimentary vacations, you may request a no-hassle, no-questions-asked, 100% refund for any reason or no reason at all. 


Payment Due Date: We MUST receive your payment within THREE (3) business days. NO EXCEPTIONS. If your payment is not made in that time, your application for a license will automatically be revoked without further notice. And you will no longer be able to receive a license at the marketing-test price.


What to Expect After Payment: Once you make your payment, shortly after, we begin onboarding you and setting up your account which allows you to access your own workspace where you can issue your complimentary vacations. You will also have access to a host of high-quality marketing tools to promote your business/campaigns by using creative videos on social media, websites, email campaigns, and much more!


Then, in 3-5 business days, you will receive an email explaining how to gain access to your new account. So please be on the lookout for an email from our partner, Five Diamond Club. They will be providing you with all of the information you need to begin giving out complimentary vacations as well as the ability to call and get help or more information if you need to.


Your Payment: Your investment is $995 for a one-year license. Simply click the button below to make your secure online payment. You will be emailed a receipt after making payment.